Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

Questions, nothing but questions?

Often people ask themself the questions, why just me, why do I have a hard time in such a way, why I am always only used... etc.

I would better ask, what should I do or what makes me sad, what disappointed me, what expectations do I have about an/my relationship, what experience do I never want to make again, what makes me sad, what happily, what do I have to change?
Do I go too indifferently, too dull through my life? Do I get the love, that I want / need? Do I give love?
Certainly the most important question is, what do I really want?

To form our life in such a way as we really want to have it, consists in recognising exactly what we want!
To reach this, we must wake up long ago, numb pictures again to life, give them again colour. What sounds so simple, mostly turns out to a laborious process. Unfortunately, many traits and needs have been already buried from childhood.
Each of us brings certain personality shares to in the course of his life shine, while others are exiled in the shadowy existence. Under it there are not only sides which we are ashamed of or which we do not want to admit, maybe at all to ourselves. Unfortunately, we also exclude shares which could enrich our life and which show to us, the way to a life, which we really want to live.
We have learnt our restrictions by our education, adaptations and favorotism of certain life styles.
However, our life becomes round only and entire if we lift our shadow pages and strengths to the light, can be enriched from them and can live thus our very own regulation.
How do I recognise myself, how am I real, what do I really need, would want and do miss. Nevertheless, not a low part of my "me", is hidden, by education and adaptation, behind thick walls, since the childhood.
Love comes and originates, if we expect it least of all, if we do not search for it. The hunt for love, does not bring the right partner. And the search for love, prepares only longing and unhappy being. We need a mental freedom to be able to love intensely.

Love is in us.
The Being of love tells to analyse, to find out, that today it is experienced seldom; means to criticise the social conditions, which are very often responsible for it.
The faith in the possibility of the love as a general and not only exceptionally individual phenomenon, is a rational faith, which is based on examination into the being of the person.“

Erich Fromm

Or freely after Kant:

What can I know?
What may I believe?
What should I do?

Spirituality in the modern free life, indicates to have the choice, to look after own internal signs of the secrets, of the nature and the universe, then to fulfil them.
Since in our time today, everything is relative and submitted to the value change. How can the soul be rooted, in the depth of theirs develop and the spring for hope and calmness be? To protect us, to be a match ball of modern age, opinions, fears or longings lifelong, which are only brought over us, to cover the sensory-like of our life?

Be your light by yourself... (Buddha)

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