Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011


How many times in your life you have to make a decision; that you are at a crossroad, heart or mind ... the mind is telling you, go this way, it will give you security, then you've everything under control, you can do it, because here you will not be hurten.
Your heart is telling you, no, go the other way, to redeem yourself from your patterns, that you provide true security, because you're used to, because you know them and have learned to deal with them, even if it hurts .... but it'll shows you a new perspective, new feeling, new love, new happiness, on the other side you can grow, learn.
So what to do?!
If I decide not to listen to my heart, I decide against myself ..
In the long run it is my soul, that the unhappiness, the stagnation in my life, will not accept. But how should she tell me ...?.... she will tell it to myself through my body.
Will I get problems with the eyes, then I may not like what I see ..
Or for example women that have problems with the uterus / genitals are suffering from: deep anger, problems with the masculine / feminine aspect, deny / hide the real me (playing a role), the need to dominate/control
Hurts my gall bladder, that has to do with bitterness, anger, and too much pride.
My hip hurts.... then I might be afraid to make a decision, afraid to go forward? Or my knee? I'm stubborn, inflexible, intransigent, I don't wanna move?
That is the way my soul will talk to me, "telling me," that is not good for you, it will make you unhappy, doubtful and ill, there you are at the wrong path. The organ will show me the psychological problems; pain in the throat: I can't say what I want to say, I gulp down too much, I have determined the frequent neck problems, migraine headaches and it shows me a blockade against myself, to high self-criticism, self-doubt and fear ... an inward to be driven.

I think that many people who already have a problem with them selfs, have to take the time to look into a mirror and tell themself with all there heart, that they love themselves. Well, there already it starts. I want others to consider me as "lovable", if I can't even like, respect myself, or even think that I'm nothing ... I also radiate it ... So, look into the mirror and into your own eyes, your own "mirror of the soul", where each person sees in itself, a creature that is not only lovable and beautiful, you will see someone very special. And this is not such an esoteric blather ....
Everything we think, what is not endearing to/about us, is anyway, most of the time a silly chatter of other people or from parents or "friends" ....

So, look at you, feel you and you will realize that you are a beautiful person :-)))

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