Samstag, 22. September 2012

The phases of the dual soul

Phase 1: Identifying
People who meet their dual soul realize this usually already at first glance. The first few seconds of such an encounter almost always leaves a lasting impression, its often described as "magical" moment. Sometimes the encounter with the dual soul announces beforehand (for example, in the form of dreams). It can t grow, like a friendship.

Phase 2: Enjoy
Both sides feel the encounter quickly as "special" and "unique." It creates a bond and a form of love that is like nothing else. The participants are fully interconnected in their hearts and instinctively know what the other thinks and feels - even over long distances.

Phase 3: The confusion
The power of the resulting feelings, suddenly has a negative connotation. You think you are crazy, you are more vulnerable than ever, you get afraid of your own courage, one begins his previous thoughts and feelings - even the previously guided life - to question. The confrontation with ethical and moral principles leads to internal conflicts. This can go with both at the same time by both parties, as well as mutually, what the first harmony disturbs.

Phase 4: The distance
Often opts for the period of confusion at least one soul proportions to break contact. Possible reasons: "It can not be, what should not be," "I can not handle it", "The whole thing does not make any sense", "Our relationship is hopeless", "I go one searching/being for/with something/one I m used to, painfull.. but controlled, deserved and deceptive". So...

Phase 5: The Pain
With the separation arises sooner or later on both sides up, a never before perceived pain. It feels as if you are incomplete. The other half is missing at every nook and corner. Life suddenly seems much less worth living and thoughts are constantly at the loss of his beloved soul. Although the compound is still noticeably present (you know instinctively what the other person is still going), it hurts terribly, not to have the real contact any longer. although you thought, now you ve got or found what your deepest wish was. You are convused. Its different to a lovesickness, its needs time to realize, that even after all, you know for sure, being without that person, you can t imagine... you are half.

Phase 6: The acceptance (understanding and learning)
Most fail all attempts to re-establish real contact with the lost soul. What remains is the question of "why". Why did the encounter happen? Why are we so conected to the others? Why did this happen and what are the whole learning tasks? If you understand what was to be learned from this encounter, the implementation of this idea begins - the mutual learning, which obviously must be made separately from each other, in order to be distracted too much by the other soul. Very often, both parts of the soul have very similar learning tasks, however, a different pace of learning.

Phase 7: The rapprochement
Have both souls met their learning tasks, it is granted to them to make their way back to the jointly contest . It may also be, that they met again to help the other a little "in the cracks".

Phase 8: New learning tasks or merger
Were all learning tasks, which were intended to meet for a share of the two halvesouls, are reached, dual souls may also be in "real life" - in whatever form - stay together. Are there other tasks to manage, they are expected to return this done, separately from each other. That will repeated all from Phase 4, the whole thing - until both souls have learned, what they are supposed to learn in this life.

..... and sometimes you have to learn to recognize who is a missing part of the dual soul, only that part, the dual soul loves absolutely and unconditionally. Only when both have recognized this and learned, both halves find each other again, to her inner peace, that they always were searching for, always confused and raised with doubts. When they thought,  they had found their other half ... in her "infatuation". Every time again ....
But only if they are lucky and previleged,  to have found its proper dual soul and "see" it,  your innerself is losing the sense of insecurity, the inner conflict, the feeling of  having lost yourself ....
Only when they both "know" they are a unity again, they have arrived in the Love, the Peace,  the Familiarity and the being One, which they sought for so long and so often, so desperated.
But is a half-soul trapped in its self, dual souls do not lose each other. For a core unit there is neither space nor time, only when each half has learned to "recognize", has learned to rely on his own the "valley of pain and of seeking" the run after his irritating Egowishes will be over. Only if both halves have learned to listen to they inner voice, they will find each other again, that will be the cure to loneliness for both of them.
Many relationships are "suffering relations", annual years ... often for a lifetime, as they are not together with their dualsoul, because they are a subject of deception, the wishful thinking, the ego ... usually there is one partner in such a connection, that is the sufferer, the bleeder, the endurer... only when one realizes that love never hurts, tortures, lies, betrays, disapoints or is punishing, one can leave .... one is released. A Halvesoul will go through such experiences, long before it recognize and learn to love and respect itself; liberate itself. The ending of the suffering of the two halves... they will find themselves and together.

It is very special when dual souls will not only find, but also are in a romantic relationship with each other. Sometimes you see those "soul unit relationships" and everyone feels the deep connection between them. Wordlessly, intimately, peaceful and completely satisfied ...
When you meet someone where you realize, there you can immediately be "I", without adjusting, without shame! You are familiar an eternity! Take the hand of that one and your soul can breathe...

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