Donnerstag, 23. Juni 2011

The point? of life .....

or is that not the question ......... or why is there such a question .....

An objective sense of a thing whose existence is by nature, sometimes it's its contents (act) and sometimes also it's its consequence.
The sense of a rock then is, that it is just a rock and if it falls down from the mountain, because it was hitten by a lightning and below it runs over a walker and he will be killed, then the meaning of the falling boulder, is to kill the walker. It's simple.

Accordingly, my life has the meaning, that I am living (existence), the fact that I'm doing something (content, action) and that sometimes some of it follows.

Now I can, as a subject, judge... whether I think it's good or bad (what is there, what happened there and what will follow from that) and if I can find a subjective meaning for me.

Colloquially, it usually means, that someone had "found the meaning of a thing", if they're well maintained and usually something had "no sense" just because it's disliked.

Who therefore has no meaning in his life or the sense studied in some external conditions (eg an assessment of the life, lived by third parties), who has only didn't find a way, for themselve to find a way to lead a profitable, good, that is "(subjective) meaningful" life. He either has no courage to live, so that he doesn't look at this live, because he don't not like it, things its "nothing" and find refuge with the relocation of the assessment of life on others (eg society, common morality, deity) for he things hislife or his perceives of his life is bad or crappy. This is only a matter of his emotions.

Life is not shit.
Life is.

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