Dienstag, 7. August 2012

For my Son

I have recieved you as a gift,
so many years ago.
So valuable to me;
with no money in the world,
you can buy so much happiness.
I wanted to hold you forever in my arms.
See how you sleep,
and hear how you breathe.
Well protected in my arm.
You still can do it aways again,
putting a smile on my face.
Even today,
I can't believe my luck.
The first smile that you gave me,
made me addicted to you.
I have sworn,
to protect you from all harm.
But unfortunately I wasn t always successful.
For your new lifepath,
I give you all my strength and my love.
And if your life
once is too hard and you think
that you can hardly endure
the pain, the suffering that rips you,
then come back to me,
I ll catch you again and again.
If you sometimes see no light through the mist
at the begining
and not end is in sight.
Do not be afraid
I will accompany you.
Always think of my words.
The right way is already half the target.
And untill the end of my journey,
I ll put my hands protectively over your world.
I'm telling you too rarely,
how infinitely blessed and fortunate I am, that you exist.
I love you, Marc (UdL3)
For your birthday I wish you all the love in this world ... a beam in your eyes, a smile on your face and never forget, no matter how hard it is, that you're someone very special ....

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