Sonntag, 12. August 2012

Faithfulness to yourself

There is only one person, where you have to remain faithful - to yourself! Everyone else will leave you sooner or later, but with yourself, you came to the world - alone. With yourself you will go out of this world - alone.
If you are not staying true to yourself, you've lost everything that ever really was yours, yourself  - if your yourself do not stay true to yourself, you will also be unfaithful to all others, because then you're not real, because then you're not authentic . You will be changing a masquerade, an actor in a ridiculous drama .

How can you give yourself verity? - By letting all judgments fall about yourself, you give up by all the reviews of your being - the foreign, but also your own, you are by yourself,  you exept yourself unconditionally in your essence, the fact that there are no ifs and buts, say "Yes!" to yourself, you will be true to yourself. If  the opinion of others about you,  become indifferent and you do nothing more to gain sympathy, then you are  in faith to yourself - you don t go into a supposed love to someone and cheat on yourself anymore, but you give all the love you deserve to yourself, you will find all the love in yourself.

If you become true to yourself, then you know your true nature is always infallible, your true nature is never to judge, not to evaluate. Your true nature is your only goal for you to embody it. But you don t know your true nature, because you've already sold it to others, in order to pay,  so that they stay with you, because nothing is more worse for you, than to accept your Being alone. You preferto give up on you, you would rather play a certain role, as to be alone. But only if you stop playing a role and accept your Being alone, you are capable of true loyalty, only then it is possible for you, to live a partnership at the level of authenticity and love - before you only run, trading with other people: I do not criticize too much and make you compliments, you do not criticize me too much and you make me compliments - let's call it "love" until we both can not longer bear  the masquerade, then we split up and act as if that was a necessary part of the barter against our Being alone.

As long as your true nature is the price of  the company of someone, you are not even faithful to yourself. When your fully accept your Being alone, the essence of yourself knows no judgment from yourself and you don t need the opinions others about you anymore, then miracles happen: Suddenly people feel attracted to you, without a need for prostitute yourself .

There are no people more attractive than those, who abides into the authentic love to themselfs! The loyalty to yourself is a gateway to self-love, and when you stride through that door, you ll find yourself in the garden of love for everything.
An authentic person is one, who allows his mind to work through him, to light and love ... without masks, without protection, naked as a baby and free in Spirit, to embody themself... There is no more beautiful human being, than that who doesn t hide his light or his shadow.


They have taught you, that true strength is expressed through some form of hardship, but there is no greater strength, not a higher power, than the power of a person whose heart is in gentleness. Gentleness is the supreme expression of love. Love manifests always and exclusively beauty. Love will reveal to you just then at its best, when you have become soft. Love already knows the way, before you walked with it. Signs in this way are those moments, where you live gentleness. A moment full of sweetness, is a moment full of divine beauty. Tenderness is the daughter of gentleness. No man can sincerely give affection, when he dwells not in gentleness. Gentleness creates compassion, gentleness makes peace, gentleness is a bed full of rose petals for the soul, gentleness is like the water that formed the rock. True strength is found exclusively in the gentleness of a loving heart. The Gentle is strong, the Gentle is courageous, and meekness is the expression of a truly strong sublimed man.

Dienstag, 7. August 2012

For my Son

I have recieved you as a gift,
so many years ago.
So valuable to me;
with no money in the world,
you can buy so much happiness.
I wanted to hold you forever in my arms.
See how you sleep,
and hear how you breathe.
Well protected in my arm.
You still can do it aways again,
putting a smile on my face.
Even today,
I can't believe my luck.
The first smile that you gave me,
made me addicted to you.
I have sworn,
to protect you from all harm.
But unfortunately I wasn t always successful.
For your new lifepath,
I give you all my strength and my love.
And if your life
once is too hard and you think
that you can hardly endure
the pain, the suffering that rips you,
then come back to me,
I ll catch you again and again.
If you sometimes see no light through the mist
at the begining
and not end is in sight.
Do not be afraid
I will accompany you.
Always think of my words.
The right way is already half the target.
And untill the end of my journey,
I ll put my hands protectively over your world.
I'm telling you too rarely,
how infinitely blessed and fortunate I am, that you exist.
I love you, Marc (UdL3)
For your birthday I wish you all the love in this world ... a beam in your eyes, a smile on your face and never forget, no matter how hard it is, that you're someone very special ....