Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2011

The Corrs - Everybody hurts (with lyrics)

I soar.....

I soar,
High above in clear skies
Fast over hedges
And close upon trees.
I soar
Into the colours that bath my soul
I soar
Through slow motion rain that strikes just like ice
Before pelting the ground
I soar
With my fingertips touching the earth
And lightening down my spine
I soar
With acceptance complete
And a freedom unending
I soar
Like the shivering birds wing
And the toe of a mouse
I soar
With the boldness of a lion
And a scream of an Eagle
I soar
Like the gentle touch of water
Understanding, my knowing

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2011

The Rose(Janis Joplin)

Love?! what is it....

Love is perhaps the highest attempt of the nature, to lead the individual out of itself and to the other.
Whitout love:
Sense of duty without love makes annoying, responsibility without love makes inconsiderate, justice without love makes hard, truthfulness without love makes criticism, addicted cleverness without love makes deceitful, friendliness without love makes hypocritical, order without love makes petty, knowledge without love makes dogmatic, power without love makes cruel, honor without love makes arrogant, property without love makes avaricious, faith without love makes fanatic.....
It is easier to love all as one. The love for all humanity usually costs nothing but a phrase, the love of one requires sacrifices....
Maybe you think, that love means something else or something different to you, pls; comment, thank you .... :)

Montag, 4. Juli 2011

Herbert Grönemeyer - Mensch (englische Version) + text


Give yourself more rest ....

A small Zen story:

A student asks his master: How did your enlightenment exercises in everyday life?
The master says: While I eat and sleep ...
But Master, everyone eats and sleeps, the student said, disappointed.
As the Master said: But no one eats when he eats and sleeps when he sleeps ....

Flooding stress and nervous breakdowns resulting in today's "fast" time of frequent extreme overloads. Often it comes from outside, but even if you tried to dance "on too many weddings," because you want it so please everyone, there will follow a slow summing of situations, that also can show chronicle health problems, depressions, or continues to a so-called "burn out,".

But what to do?
First of all, you just can not fullfill any demanding of everyone anyway, and so at in the end you're overwhelmed and you do exactly what you dont want to do. You must prioritize things, or only half of the workest will be done, you seem to be unreliable, you will disappoint or hurt. At the end you're standing there alone again and wonder what you've done wrong again?
So, take your rest ... focus on yourself, learn to let(pressure, pain, the claims of others, etc.) go. It does not have to be the great self-realization or knowledge, it's just for a few minutes, every day, simply "relax." Meditation, it is called today, entirely modern:).
Feel your body...

Are you restless or nervous, take a short time out,
Lie or sit down, relax,
close your eyes and direct your attention inwards,
feel any physical excitation which you notice, do not try to control or influence it,
observe the excitations
each excitation is perceived and taken seriously
feel into your belly, because he grumbles, then turn your attention to it and relax this point, for example with a warm smile, introspective..
you feel for example a pressure in the head...,
then relax, your eyes peeled in the region and even there, sending a warm smile
no matter where your feelings lead you, send a loving and warm smile,
In this way, you will gradually relax your entire body and an openness with your conscious attention will come to yourself,
The restlessness and nervousness will deal with the time into relaxation and you will find it pleasant and warm.